"All disease begins in the gut" 

- Hippocrates

A chemical-free & safe cleanse method for optimal gut health


"All disease begins in the gut" 

- Hippocrates

A chemical-free & safe cleanse method for optimal gut health


What Is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Feel Better, Inside Out

Colon cleansing through hydrotherapy is an effective way to detox your system’s buildup of accumulated toxins.  The process involves a delicate rinsing of the colon with low pressured, filtered water to remove encrusted fecal residue, gas, mucous, yeast overgrowth, acidic buildup, and heavy metals that can all reside in the gut.

We use a safe, closed-system approach to keep your colon in pristine shape while helping you to properly replenish with the recommended enzymes and minerals that are beneficial for your body for after-care treatment.

What Is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Feel Better, Inside Out

Colon cleansing through hydrotherapy is an effective way to detox your system’s buildup of accumulated toxins.  The process involves a delicate rinsing of the colon with low pressured, filtered water to remove encrusted fecal residue, gas, mucous, yeast overgrowth, acidic buildup, and heavy metals that can all reside in the gut.

We use a safe, closed-system approach to keep your colon in pristine shape while helping you to properly replenish with the recommended enzymes and minerals that are beneficial for your body for after-care treatment. Contact us to start your wellness journey.

The Colon Hydrotherapy Process

During a closed-system colonic, a tube is inserted about 1 inch into the rectum. Warm filtered water slowly fills up the colon. The water stimulates the body's natural peristalsis movement, the colon muscle then contracts and releases toxic waste on its own. 

How Colon Hydrotherapy Can Improve Your Well-being

Decreases Toxic load

Improves Body’s Absorption of Vitamins & Minerals

Relieves and Prevents Constipation & Bloating

Increases Energy Levels and Stamina

Strengthen Immune System & Reduce inflammation 

Naturally tones colon muscle & improves overall digestion

Aids in Weight Loss

Improves Skin (appearance, breakouts, rashes, flare ups) 

Relieves and Helps With IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Symptoms

Promotes Hormone Balance 

How Colon Hydrotherapy Can Improve Your Well-being


Improves Body’s Absorption of Vitamins & Minerals

Decreases Toxic load

Relieves and Prevents Constipation & Bloating

Increases Energy Levels and Stamina

Strengthen Immune System & Reduce inflammation 

Naturally tones colon muscle & improves overall digestion

Aids in Weight Loss

Improves Skin (appearance, breakouts, rashes, flare ups) 

Relieves and Helps With IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Symptoms

Promotes Hormone Balance 

The Colon Hydrotherapy Process

During a closed-system colonic, a tube is inserted about 1 inch into the rectum. Warm filtered water slowly fills up the colon. The water stimulates the body's natural peristalsis movement, the colon muscle then contracts and releases toxic waste on its own. 

Why Choose Colon Hydrotherapy?

Gut Health 101

Compacted fecal matter in the colon can lead to toxicity overload, allow waste to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream, and increase risk of disease. 

Compacted fecal matter in the colon can lead to toxicity overload, allow waste to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream, and increase risk of disease. 

Colon hydrotherapy supports your body's natural drainage pathways. We refer to this as "taking out the trash". By promoting drainage we reduce the body's overall toxic load and reduce inflammation aiding to overall wellness, better digestion, healthier bowel movements, and increasing energy and vitality.


Why Choose Colon Hydrotherapy?

Everyday we are exposed to harmful toxins that accrue in our bodies overtime due to our environments, lifestyles, and eating habits. Overtime toxic sludge will begin to collect and stick to our colon walls. Expelling this build up comes with a plethora of health benefits for our bodies and overall well-being. This is a complete natural process with no drugs or chemicals used during the procedure. A balanced gut flora is essential for optimal health. Research continues to show the major influence our gut microbiome has on our overall well-being, our immune system, our moods, our energy, and our quality of life. When the colon is unable to operate at its fullest potential, the elimination and detoxification process begins to perform at a lower efficiency resulting in chronic diseases, potential cancers, and many other health related issues. You can rely on the professionals at Healing Waters Wellness to provide you with an educational and comfortable colonic experience.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Common Questions About Colon Hydrotherapy

How long does colonic sessions take?

Your appointment time will last about one hour. The colonic itself will be about 40-50 minutes. 

How often should I have colon therapy?

The colon is almost 6 ft long and depending on each individual (and how much they are able to release) you only clean out a couple of feet per session. Therefore, you will want multiple sessions in close proximity to fully reap the benefits. After this initial cleanup, most choose to make colon cleansing a part of their regular hygiene program as a healthy maintenance choice. BUT there is no one prescription for all. Talk to your therapist and depending on your goals, lifestyle, and gut heath they will help you come up with an ideal schedule. 

How will I feel after my colonic? Can I go to work or be active after my session?

After a colonic you should feel refreshed, a lot lighter, and relaxed.

Going to work after or being active is totally ok as you should have all your releases take place at our clinic!

However, if you are very compacted of toxic buildup you will need several sessions closer together to truly empty your colon.  Thus, after your first session (when there is still a lot left) you could feel icky after which is a sign your body truly needs this and you should try to book your next session as soon as you can to finishing flushing out your system.

If it's your first time we recommend coming at a time you can relax afterwards in case you are tired from the large toxic release. You could also go to the restroom a few more times throughout the day as old waste has just been loosened and shifted around.

If you are holding on to a lot of emotional stress or trauma, you may feel exhausted or even emotional after your session. With the gut and brain connection we tend to hold on to a lot of emotions in our gut and this is another way to release that. 

Can I have a colonic while I am on my period?

Yes. A colonic while on your period is actually a good time as your body is already in a natural state of detox. Plus   if you are feeling bloated or irritable a colonic will help ease that.  

What are the contradictions that could prevent someone from receiving colon hydrotherapy?

If you believe you have any contradictions that may affect your ability to receive a colonic then please contact us.

This way we can go over your personal situation and ensure that you are making the best next step!

If any of these contradictions apply to you then you will have to get a prescription from a doctor showing supervision over our services for the contradiction. 

Many of these contraindications may still be eligible to receive colon hydrotherapy once they have subsided or been eliminated:


- Cancer of the colon or GI (gastro intestinal) tract.

- GI hemorrhage/perforation

- Congestive heart failure.

- Uncontrolled hypertension.

- Carcinoma of the rectum.

-  Intestinal perforation.

- Abdominal hernia.

- Recent colon or rectal surgery. (first 3 months)

- Diverticulitis.

- Recent heart attack.

- Vascular aneurism.

- Renal insufficiency.

- Epilepsy or psychoses.

- Severe inflamed hemorrhoids. (Please wait till they are not inflamed)

- Recent abdominal surgery (at least the 3 months post surgery)

- Cirrhosis.

- Fissures or fistula.

- Pregnancy.

- Ulcerative colitis.

- Acute Crohn’s disease.

- Rectal or abdominal tumors.

Do colonics remove good bacteria? Is this bad for you?

During your colon hydrotherapy session some bad and good bacteria is removed, and the same goes for when you have a regular poo at home!

However, the balance of these microorganisms in the gut are essential for optimal health and when you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria, pathogens, yeast, parasites, acidic build up,  (like most people do due to our environment & diets) it is better to remove the toxicity and then repopulate to create a healthier environment. We recommended our clients to repopulate and replenish with good quality probiotics. This can be done with a good quality probiotic supplements as well as nutrient dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods.  

Can I eat before my colonic?

It is best to fast about 3 hours before your colonic (BUT NOT REQUIRED!) to ensure that your body is still not digesting at the same time we are detoxing. Like I said, it is not mandatory but from personal experience it does make the colonic more comfortable. 

Are colonics safe?

Yes. Colon hydrotherapy is a safe and non-invasive therapy to detox the body.

"Safety" is a relevant term though and is dependent upon the equipment used and the person administering it. But when it comes to modern day colonics, with a trained professional and quality equipment the procedure is more than safe and extremely beneficial to an individual's overall health and the integrity of your gut. 

Here at Healing Waters Wellness, we use a "closed system" colonic where a therapist is there with you and the low water pressure is customized to your body. It is not only safe but also clean with no exposed waste, smell, or mess.

A little history lesson for you..... 😊

Colon cleansing with hydrotherapy is an old medical practice with many historians tracing it back to the ancient Egyptians. A papyrus from the 14th century B.C that is held at a museum in Berlin records the data of Egyptians colon cleansing for over 20 stomach and intestinal

complaints "to drive out excrements".

In the 5th century B.C Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian and geographer wrote "The Egyptians clear themselves on three consecutive days, every month, seeking

after health by emetics and enemas for they think that all disease comes to man from his food."

This is not just limited to Egyptians as there are many other ancient medical texts recording the use and benefits of enemas and other colon cleansing practices throughout history. If you are interested in learning more here is a really good and more in depth article written : Click here

Is the colonic going to be painful?

No. Colonics are not painful and are only stimulating the body's natural peristalsis movement. (The colon is contracting on its own to release). Many newbies think something is being pulled or sucked out of them and that is definitely not the case. 

HOWEVER, depending on a persons toxicity level and how compacted their colon may be, a 1st session for some may be uncomfortable while all these toxins are being stirred around the body. This is temporary and any uncomfortable feelings go away immediately after the toxins are flushed out. This release of toxic buildup will feel euphoric and you should leave the session feeling clearer and refreshed. The key is to trust the process and stay consistent while each session gets better. 

What is the pre and post-treatment for a colonic?

Before Colonic:

Limit food & drink 2 hours before your session. This is for your own personal comfort so there is less gas/bloating and so you won't have to go pee.

Drinking 16oz of raw organic carrot juice or green juice the night before and/or morning of your colonic to loosen stool and stimulate digestion.

Post Colonic: Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day.

It is suggested to begin taking an enzyme & probiotic supplement that can help your boost your overall gut health, provide good bacteria to your gut. This can be added to your daily vitamins.
Our Community 

Success Stories: Real People, Real Results

 5/5 (200+ Reviews)

Cassandra W. - Los Angeles, CA

My partner and | have both had very good experiences with colonics with Desiree here at this location. She takes the time to make sure you're comfortable and also to educate you on the process

a Kelly F. - La Mirada, CA

Desiree is very welcoming and made me feel super comfortable. Her office is clean, pretty and smells nice. She explained the process very clear and followed through duringthe entire process. Already book another appointment.

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